Seek Godly Counsel In Your Career 在职场上寻求神的谋士

Author: Bro Noel Yu Hanwei

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counsellors there is victory.
— Proverbs. 11:14

Throughout my career, I have come across many successful leaders in my industry and I respect the advice they share. However, the problem with their advice is that they do not know God. Advice given by a non-Christian believer will slowly condition a person to believe that God is not relevant to their trade or business. To them, it is all about self-reliance, hard work, and sometimes just luck. However, as Christian, God must be present in every aspect of our lives and that must include our career as well. Yet not many Christians know what it means to include God in our career. That is where godly counsel can provide us guidance where we are lacking.

The Bible says: “Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counsellors there is victory.” (Prov. 11:14).

Therefore, let us seek godly counsel for the work challenges that we face, and we will walk firmly in the will of God through our careers. When we do so, we will be able to live out the fruit of the spirit in our workplace.

1) Love – true concern for fellow colleagues, clients, and associates. Build authentic relationships with them and when God opens the door, we can testify to them about God.

2) Joy – maintain a good attitude regardless of circumstances and outcome. Be the positive force in the workplace, we can receive this positivity from God because He is ultimately in charge overall.

3) Peace – calmly handle all situations. Do not be anxious about anything but bring it to the Lord in prayers and allow God to work through the difficult situations.

4) Patience – allow people to develop. Don’t be hasty to judge but allow people to make mistakes just like God is also patient with us.

5) Kindness – genuinely treat people well. Do not be bias towards those who are successful but treat all with the same kindness regardless of their social status.

6) Goodness – consider the best interest of others. Consider others first before yourself. Do not be selfish but live out the sacrificial love of Christ in your relationships.

7) Faithfulness – stay true to your values and to others. Do not waver when tempted to take the shortcut to success or to step on others to progress.

8) Self-control – perform to the best you can. Be your best not only when others can see but give your best even when people cannot see because God sees all.

May we live as a disciple of Christ not only in church and someone else at work. That is the way of a hypocrite. Be Christ’s disciple in the church, in your private life, and professionally. It is not going to be easy, but God provides godly counsel around you for this very purpose.



— 箴言11:14


圣经说:“无智谋,民就败落;谋士多,人便安居”(箴言11:14) 让我们在职场上遇见挑战时寻求神的引导,好让我们能够行在主的旨意中。当我们这么做时,便能在职场上活出圣灵的果子。

  ⒈ 仁爱 – 要对同事,顾客及同行发自内心地关心,与他们建立真实的关系,那么当神把机会之门打开时,我们就能在他们面前为神作见证。

  ⒉ 喜乐 – 不论情况好坏,都保持良好的态度,在职场上发出正能量。因为神是我们的主宰,所以我们能得着来自神的正能量。

  ⒊ 平安 – 面对任何情况都能处之泰然。我们不要为了任何事担忧,而是要来到主的面前祷告,等待神将困难解决。

  ⒋ 忍耐 – 让别人有时间及空间成长。我们不要急于评判他人,而是要像神对我们有耐心般的给予他们犯错,学习的机会。

  ⒌ 恩慈 – 要真心善待他人。我们不要偏心,只对成功人士好,而是不论社会地位高低都要一视同仁。

  ⒍ 良善 – 要优先考虑他人的利益,先考虑到别人,才考虑自己。在与他人的关系中不要自私,而是要活出耶稣基督舍己为人的爱。

  ⒎ 信实 – 要忠于别人和自己的价值观,在面对抄捷径或把别人当踏脚石的诱惑时,不要屈服。

  ⒏ 节制 – 尽你所能地把工作做好。我们不要只在他人看得见时才竭尽所能,而是要在他人看不到时也要这么做,因为神看得见。



Unspeakable Joy 无法形容的喜悦


God’s Perfect Timing 神的完美时机