God’s Grace 神的恩典

Author: Bro Patrick Tay

What is the grace of God? In a simple way, it is God's favour and kindness toward us. God showers grace on all mankind. He gave us the beauty and wonders of nature that we see each and every day. And He also gave us an inner conscience to know right from wrong. Let's take a look at some specific areas where God shows us grace. 

But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness'” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

God’s grace is sufficient, and this verse reaffirms that God’s grace is big enough to cover every area of our lives. Couple years back, I having a stomach upset at Penang Hotel. I feel very weak and tired. I prayed to Lord before I slept. I recovered the next day morning. Praise the Lord.

We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are” (Acts 15:11).

God’s grace is an essential component for everyday life and foundational to the Christian faith. We need God’s grace to sustain us every day. Within our own strength, we will make mistakes daily. God’s grace reassures and reminds us to depend on God more. We are not alone, and receiving God’s grace provides an opportunity to glorify Him more. Grace fills in the areas where we fall short, letting us know it will be ok. God’s divine nature intercedes within our human frailties.

One specific colleague had tested my patience many times and even trigger my anger at one particular event. I have prayed to Lord not to throw my anger on her and tried to correct her mistake. Many times, God words has really reminded me not to throw my temper at her. Through God grace, I am able to show good testimonial to other colleague and they praised me of good temper to her. But I know this is not my credit, it is the strength of our God Grace.

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms”

(1 Peter 4:10).




“他 对 我 说 : 我 的 恩 典 够 你 用 的 , 因 为 我 的 能 力 是 在 人 的 软 弱 上 显 得 完 全 。 所 以, 我 更 喜 欢 夸 自 己 的 软 弱 , 好 叫 基 督 的 能 力 覆 庇 我”( 哥 林 多 后 书 12:9)


“我 们 得 救 乃 是 因 主 耶 稣 的 恩 , 和 他 们 一 样 , 这 是 我 们 所 信 的 ” (使 徒 行 传 15:11)



各 人 要 照 所 得 的 恩 赐 彼 此 服 事 , 作 神 百 般 恩 赐 的 好 管 家 。(彼 得 前 书 4:10)



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