From The Ongoing War战争中的反思

Author: Sis Grace Gan

I am not one who keeps myself updated on politics, but on 24 February when Russia declared war on Ukraine I knew we needed to pray. I wondered, how should I pray? The underlying question I probably had was, how should I respond towards the occurrence of a war?

I remembered that Jesus had told us ahead of time that "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.” (Matthew 24:6)

When World War I and II happened in the previous century, Christians must have wondered whether the end of the age was coming. Today we hear of the Russia-Ukraine war and rumors of World War III. Yet, the end is still to come, though it is a sign of the end of the age. Another word of God is fulfilled right before our eyes. But still, what else does it mean for us?

I read about the response of Daniel in the Bible when the rule of Babylon ended after 70 years of Israel’s captivity in Babylon, as what God had prophesied in Jeremiah 25:11 resulting from Israel’s disobedience. Beyond being in awe that the word of the Lord was fulfilled, he responded to the situation with repentance and petition to restore the nation of Israel.

That led me to find some answers to my question by reflecting upon Jesus’ words in Matthew 24.

1. Repent and be ready for the return of the Lord, because He will come at an unexpected hour.

2. Stay faithful till He returns “However when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8)

We need to pray for God’s mercies on the political violence inflicted upon Ukraine, and for the people of Russia and Ukraine. Both are losing their lives in different ways as we speak. Pray for those who have not known God yet, to receive salvation. And for those who already have, to be strengthened in their faith. 

As we witness God’s word fulfilled in the signs of the end times (and with more signs to come), we also need to respond to the situation with an urgency to share the good news in this era of bad news, and a deeper conviction to stay faithful to the end. 

May all who had received the Lord’s salvation of grace and mercy stand firm as a disciple of Christ till we see Him face-to-face.







1. 悔改并为迎接主的再来做好准备 因为祂将在一个你意想不到的时候到来。

2. 保持忠诚,直到祂回来 “然而,人子来的时候,遇得见世上有信德吗?”(路加福音18:8)




God’s Grace 神的恩典


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