Discipline as an Ant 蚂蚁般的纪律


Shared by Sis Pearl Lock  

How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep?
— Proverbs 6:9

Dear Congregation, everyone loves their sleep and sometimes we indulge ourselves with a little more sleep (including me). Today, I would like to encourage us from the book of Proverbs, from Lady wisdom to look towards these verses written by Solomon and imitate the example of the ant, rather than the sluggard. I think the attitude of the ant is being hardworking and practice discipline. We see that they are up on their feet early morning, to begin working and storing up provisions during summer and to get their stockpile ready when the harsh and cold winter arrives.

What does discipline entail? Discipline to me means we need to put aside our comfort zone, things that wrap us so comfortably like a snuggly pillow so we want to sleep laze a little more. We can “combat” this by rising up early each morning, and we can begin to appreciate God’s abundant blessings at each dawn when we witness His glory through His wonderful creation.

In contrast, Proverbs 6: 9-11 turns Solomon's attention to the subject of laziness. The term translated here as "sluggard" or "slacker" implies something more than being unmotivated; it also includes irresponsibility and laziness. Such persons put themselves at risk of ruin. Even if they can get by, in the present, a lack of preparation means they will not survive a crisis. In contrast, Solomon suggests the example of the ant: a creature who works diligently and is, therefore, able to endure harder times.

Likewise, in his letter to the Romans, Paul calls upon those who are asleep spiritually to wake up, because the day of redemption is approaching quickly (Romans 13:11). In other words, it is not time to sleep—to be unaware, unmoving, and inactive; it is time to serve the Lord. So let us encourage one another as fellow workers in God’s everlasting kingdom to keep awake and vigilant as the Day approaches soon.

文: 陆圣曦姐妹

— 箴言6:9






God Is In Charge神永远掌权


Blessings in Simplicity 简单就是蒙福