Do Not Be Anxious About Tomorrow不要为明天忧虑

Author: Sis Sally Lim

Translator: Sis Charis Ong

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
— Matthew 6:34

I had the chance to stay with my 93-year-old mother for a few days recently. In one of our conversations, my mother lamented a few times saying: why has the world come to such a state? There is a virus that is impossible to eradicate; many countries are challenged by floods, fires, earthquakes, and even war. There are scams of all kinds, too many to count, and an increase in the number of robberies and murders. It is terrible! The world is in such chaos… how frightening!

I told her the human’s heart is more deceitful than any other creature. People are self-righteous and think too highly of themselves, doing whatever they deem fit. People are lovers of themselves and will do anything that benefits themselves. However, there is a God who is the Creator of all things in this universe. He knows about all the trials and tribulations in the world and though He allowed it all to happen, He is still in control of it all. He wants people of the world to love Him and to love others as they love themselves. Turning back to Him in repentance.

We all wish for our lives to be smooth sailing, enjoying peace, health, and perhaps God-willing good fortune. Yet, as children of God, we know that He is the Creator of the world and all that is in it, and anything that is happening is in His control, therefore we need not fear or worry.

God wants us to know Him and depend on Him; to pray to Him in this dark, corrupt, and fallen age, for His compassion, and for people to realize their corrupt state and ignorance, thus be willing to turn back to God.

God’s Word taught us: “do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its trouble” (Matthew 6:34). Let us lean on the grace of God, even when we can’t see what lies ahead or know how tomorrow will be. Let us fulfill our duty as His children ‘today’ and allow the grace of God to lead us through every of our ‘today’. And while we still have today, live out the love of God, and by the love and support for one another, allow us to gain strength and peace from God in this restless world, and share the love and peace from God with others!


— 马太福音 6:34







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