Avoiding Burnout with Two Types of ‘Rest’ 两种歇息方式, 避免耗尽

Author: Sis Joelynn Ng

Have you ever experienced burnout? Do you know how to get out of the fire? Whether you are running on low fuel or even worse, on an empty tank, it is bad for you and could be fatal. 

A Christian colleague probably saw that I was running low and shared a Salt & Light article with the “secret” to avoiding burnout with me. I learnt that there are two aspects of rest that God commands: Firstly, resting on the Sabbath day (Exodus 20:8-11). That’s taking time off ideally one day a week to rest from our work so as to recover physically, mentally and spiritually. Secondly, the Sabbath rest. Hebrews 4:9-11 says, “So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God, for whoever has entered God’s rest has also rested from his works as God did from His. Let us, therefore, strive to enter that rest…”

Even though the two aspects sound similar, they are quite different. While the former refers to the actual time set aside weekly to rest from our usual grind and direct our thoughts and actions towards God, Sabbath rest, on the other hand, is a cultivated spiritual posture. The Bible tells us it is something we all need to enter. It is not about resting from our work but resting from our works! In other words, we are no longer trying to prove to God that our deeds and our discipleship efforts are what make us acceptable to Him. We are accepted,  simply and only because of what Jesus has done, and nothing else.

The article also reminded me that we were designed to rest, being made in God’s image. We should rest just as God did, not out of necessity, but by choice. Moreover, rather than working all-out to ensure our provision, observing the Sabbath shows that we dare trust God to provide for our needs. Finally, the Sabbath (a day of rest) is also a form of worship, demonstrating that our life is not defined by work alone but centred around who God is. 

Are you modelling after, trusting and worshipping God by resting today and/or throughout the week? Rest on the Sabbath day gives us a weekly boost and ensures vitality, Sabbath rest tops us up for life and gives us stamina for the whole journey. Both types of ‘rest’ are vital.




有一位基督徒的同事看到我好像很累的样子,便与我分享了一篇出自Salt & Light的文章。文章的课题是《避免耗尽的‘秘诀’》。从文章中,我认识到神要我们进入的两种休息状态:第一是在主日的休息(出埃及记20:8-11)。这里指的是每周有一日放下工作,让我们的身心灵能够得到所需休息。第二则是安息日的安息。希伯来书4:9-11说到:“这样看来, 必另有一安息日的安息为神的子民存留。因为那进入安息的,乃是歇了自己的工,正如神歇了他的工一样。所以,我们务必竭力进入那安息…”





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