More Loved Than You Know神真的好爱好爱你

Author : Ps Andrew Xu

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.
— John 3:16

Blessed Christmas to everyone! The birth of Jesus Christ is such a significant moment in history that it demands our attention. Jesus is the begotten Son of God, the second person of the Holy Trinity. Fully God and equal glory with God the Father. Yet, God gave Him out of love for us.

When I meditated upon this verse recently during the JPZ retreat, a question kept surfacing in my mind. What is the most valuable gift I’ve given in my life to anyone? I never gave anyone anything of significant material worth that I would say that it cost me dearly. The most “expensive” gift I’ve given to many people is my time. Time costs me dearly because it is a limited resource in life. I cannot add one additional minute of time to my life, I don’t even know how much time I am left with. Time is life. I give my life to those whom I love and care about. I give my life when I know it is well spent and would generationally multiply good in the lives of others and generations after them. I give my life when it is of eternal worth. Anyone who sees and appreciates the value of life will not waste life away.

If I, a mere human is to treasure my life due to the worth of my being. How much more would the life of God, the creator of all beings be worth? Yet God loves us so much that He is willing to give us the greatest gift of all, Himself. If He is willing to give us this ultimate gift, God will want to give us all the good things in this world according to His will. He will not deny us any good thing.

Have you doubted your worth? Felt that you are unloved or unlovable? The feeling that you are not loved is the worst feeling one can feel. It is a reflection that you are not worthy to be loved. But there is nothing further than truth. You are loved, dearly loved. You are treasured, greatly treasured.

Whenever you feel down and out, remember the meaning of Christmas and what God has done for you out of love. You will then know your true worth. Your worth is not ascribed by your social status or outward appearance, but by the fact that you are created in the image of God. You are more loved than you know.

文: 许燕杰传道

— 约翰福音3:16







