What are we living for? 活着是为了什么?

Author: Bro Stanley Seow

If your life is made into a documentary for people to watch, what will be in it? Will you be happy with what is being shown? Will God be pleased?

It is sometimes scary to know that I am 30 years old already and have probably lived about 40% of my life. And as I look into the future, an admonishment comes to mind - We would have most likely been chasing and running our entire lives that the most difficult lesson to learn for our generation is in Psalms 46:10: “Be still, and know that I am God”.

For our generation, life in Singapore seems pretty standard, perhaps even scripted. From the time we are born, we pursue our education and are taught to work hard for our future. We strive in schools and then pour our hearts into our jobs. Perhaps we establish a family and start to busy ourselves with kids. We start to enjoy the ‘spoils’ of our labour and indulge a little. We then comfort ourselves by serving a little in church and doing the occasional charity. We make plans to increase or ensure our earthly assets and pave the way for future generations. We plan. We optimize. We run. We pursue. We try to take control of different aspects of our lives.

But James 4:13-14 says, “Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”

In his book, ‘You and Me Forever’, Pastor Francis Chan warns married couples against being distracted from the greater things. He reminds us that marriage, while great, is temporal and it should never replace our eternal mission – to make disciples. He challenges us to consider how we want to approach the throne. Is our life currently on the right trajectory?

As I continue walking into the remaining 60% of my life (or maybe lesser),                I hope that I do not hold on to things I am not able to keep. I do not wish to run in vain and be distracted from the purpose in which we were all created for.

“A jealous God asks us to pursue Him first and most. Then life makes sense, and everything falls into its proper place.” – Francis Chan.

Let’s finish strong together!







陈恩藩牧师(Francis Chan)在‘你与我到永远’这本书里告诫已婚夫妇们不要因为其他的事分散了注意力,以致无法成就更大的事。他提醒我们婚姻纵然伟大,也只是暂时的,不应该取代我们使人成为门徒的永恒使命。他向我们发出挑战,要我们认真思考如何接近神的宝座。我们的生命是否运行在正确的轨道上?


“一位嫉妒的神要我们把祂放在生命中第一的位置。只有这样,生命才会有意义,一切才会归回到应有的位置。”- 陈恩藩牧师



A Blessed Life: Becoming A True Disciple蒙福的人生:成为真门徒


Are You Prepared? 你准备好了吗?