Following Jesus 跟从耶稣

Author: Ps Andrew Xu

And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.
— Luke 9:23-24

The Christian faith is not one of mere form & rituals, but one of life and relationship. We can be attending service weekly, even responsibly serving in ministry yet our relationship with God could be far apart or broken. In this relationship with the Almighty, following is an imperative action. God calls us to follow Him and we respond by making an intentional decision to follow Him. In the verse above in the gospel of Luke, it tells of 2 main points about following God. Firstly, if anyone would follow God, he must deny himself. Secondly, if anyone would follow God, he must take up His cross daily. Let us understand more of what Jesus wants to say to us.

1. Deny himself to follow God

The first step towards following God is to deny ourselves. When Jesus called Peter and Andrew to follow Him, they immediately responded by casting their nets aside. The net represents their current livelihood, their life in the past and who they were, but not who they will be. Because of the call of Jesus, there will be an impending and major transformation that will happen. This transformation begins with the denying of themselves. To fully put down their past, choosing to follow Jesus and to put their will be in the hands of Jesus Christ their Lord. Our following of our Lord Jesus is also similar. When we want to follow Jesus, it means that we will put aside our past and our now, and hand over our future in the hands of Jesus. Where He goes, we will follow, what He does, we will do. The “me” of the past is “dead and gone”, it is no long I who live but Christ who lives in me (Galatians 2:20). This is the denying of ourselves, to put our old self to “die” and to be alive in God, following Him with all we are and have.

2. Take up his cross daily to follow God

Denying ourselves is the first step of following God, what comes after is a whole life of work. We often describe the cross as suffering because the suffering of the cross is most excruciating. But the cross is not just the suffering, but also the destiny and mission that God the Father has given to Christ the Son. The suffering of the cross will never be greater than the mission of the cross. When Jesus tells us to “take up our cross daily”, it is not a life of daily suffering, but one of living in His will daily and to live daily in the mission He has entrusted to us. The mission becomes our life and the totality of our life to finish the mission. This process goes on every day till we see God again.


— 路加福音 9:23-24


1. 舍己的跟从


2. 天天背起十字架跟从



My Journey to Becoming a Disciple 成为门徒的历程


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