Working In Vain 徒劳无功

Author : Bro Ho Kang Hao

Scripture: Col 3:23-24

We spend at least 9 hours a day working, not considering overtime and work taken back home over the weekend. Conservatively, that’s 45 hours a week, 195 hours a month, and 2340 hours a year! Many views working as a punishment, a curse on life that we sinners must suffer in blood and sweat (Gen 3:17). Humans are wired through generations that hard work and dedication are the way to success. However, we had forgotten the true purpose of labour and ended up draining up our energy, getting frustrated at our incompetence, or worse, worshipping our work through achievements and rewards. 

The good news, God wants us to thrive in all aspects of our lives and he gave us the tools, talents and gifts to do just that. Anything we set forth to do without God's initial blessing is meaningless. Whether you are a doctor or a gardener, it's important to make sure whatever we do is pleasing in the eyes of the Lord, and therefore we ask for his blessing over our work (Psalm 90:17). God rewards those who work hard and that can come in a variety of ways. But if you continue to put in a solid work ethic, you deserve whatever the outcome (Psalm 128:2).  

I can guarantee you, that it is not an easy path ahead. Challenges and rejection will come along. You may also question yourself whether this job suits me or where is God in these difficult times. In the same light, working full-time in the church does not mean that you will not face challenges, it can be tougher than you think! Even if you're lost and don't know your way out of a difficult situation right now, give it all up to God. Make a promise with Him that you will see it through to the end and He will lay a path down for you (Proverbs 16:3). Fret not, we all have our fair share of suffering and I am optimistic that God is revealing Himself through that situation.

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.

(Col 3:23-24)

Lastly, I wish to encourage and bless all with this verse. No matter what you do, you are using the gifts that the Lord gave you. If you put your talents to good use, you are proving to God that you love Him and worship Him. Although we may not immediately see the reward for our good doings, they will come. Do not give up! Perseverance is key.


歌罗西书 3:23-24


好消息是,神的旨意是要我们在生活的各方面都能茁壮成长。祂也给了我们所需要的工具,才华及天赋。我们想要做的事,若是没有得到上帝的祝福,是毫无意义的。不论你的职业是医生还是园丁,所做的一切必须是讨上帝欢喜的,所以我们才要寻求神祝福我们的工作(诗篇90:17)。神会用不同的方式奖励那些辛勤工作的人,若是你对待工作保持正确的态度,成果绝对是你应得的 (诗篇128:2)。



( 歌罗西书 3:23-24)

最后,我想用这段经文鼓励及祝福大家,不论你做什么,你都是在用上帝赐给你的礼物。如果你有好好利用祂所给你的才华,你便已向上帝证明了你爱祂、敬拜祂。我们或许无法马上看到我们因行善而得到的回报,但是它们总会来到的。别放弃! 坚持不懈就是关键。


Integrity & Sincerity 诚信与诚意


The Help From God 来自神的帮助