Women of Faith 有信心的女人

Author : Lee Pheck Leng
Translated by : Sister Charis Ong

Our cell group has started the study of book of Ruth in October. The main objective is to learn about Ruth’s journey of faith from her life. From Ruth’s loyalty to and love for Naomi which led her to believe in Naomi’s God, to her submission to Naomi’s arrangement to marry Boaz. These actions led Ruth to move from a life of poverty and lack of support to one that is stable and well-provided for. Not only this, but Ruth also became an ancestor in the genealogy of Lord Jesus Christ.

Another woman of faith in the Bible is Hannah, the mother of Samuel. She was mocked at by the concubine for being infertile. When she finally                 conceived Samuel, it would have been logical for Samuel to be the apple of her eyes, yet she resolutely sent the newly weaned Samuel to stay in the Temple and was willing to be separate from her young son. Because of Hannah’s complete faith in God, Samuel grew up to be a priest.

Queen Esther is also a woman of faith. To save her people from being massacred, she risked her life to meet the king. Her faith and wisdom saved the Jewish people. 

In the New Testament, a woman suffered a blood issue for twelve long years. She had spent all her money seeking treatment for her ailment. When she heard that the Lord Jesus was coming, she made her way through the thronging crowd just to touch His cloak. When the Lord turned to ask who touched His cloak, she disregarded awkwardness and shame, and bravely admitted that she was the one. Because of her faith, she was healed.

I personally know of a sister whose family worshipped idols. Yet she had strong faith and persisted in bringing her children to worship at the church weekly. Many years after, her husband and mother-in-law also came to believe in God.

Dear brothers and sisters, because of their faith and positive responses to God, these women experienced dramatic changes in their lives.

文: 李碧玲姐妹




新约中有一位患了十二年血漏病的女人。她因这病花尽了所有钱财也医不好。当她听到主耶稣来了,赶紧在拥挤的群众中,偷摸主  耶稣的衣裳。当主耶稣质问时,她不顾尴尬与羞辱,勇敢的承认。因着她的信心,疾病得以医治。




Blessed Are the Pure in Heart, For They Shall See God 清心的人有福了,因为他们必得见神


Living By Faith以信心活着