Blessed Are the Pure in Heart, For They Shall See God 清心的人有福了,因为他们必得见神

Author : Bro Wong Heng Soo
Translated by : Sister Charis Ong

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
— Matthew 5:8

 I came across a devotional piece recently, it was about two young Germans who migrated to America in the 1950s. One of them decided to make America his home, so he devoted himself to learning the local language, culture and so on. He happily settled into the place he now calls ‘home’. The other German, on the contrary, kept thinking about his hometown in Germany, and made comparisons about how the mountains in Germany were more beautiful, that the streets were cleaner, and the Germans were…… so on and so forth. As such, he never truly integrated into the place he had migrated to. Finally, this poor new migrant lived out his life in misery. 

Many of us Christians are like the latter German, in that even though we had been Christians for years, we still yearned for things of the world deep in our hearts. Our values differed little from the non-believers’. And our thoughts were often bound by miscellaneous stuff such as mobile phones, computers, games, television programmes and entertainment, rendering us incapable of seeing God’s work. 

Jesus said, those who are “pure in heart” are blessed. I believe a “pure heart” is one that seeks God wholly, purely, and faithfully. This is not to say that the person is naïve or foolish, but that his life is centred on and guided by the love and word of God stored up in his heart. I deeply believe that Christians with such pure heart often see God at work.

There is a hymn with lyrics that go like this: ”I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back”. Dear brothers and sisters, let us encourage and remind one another: “the cross before us, the world behind us” – let us race to that finishing line.

文: 王兴士弟兄

内心清洁的人有福了,因为他们必看见 神。
— 马太福音 5:8






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