Treasured Being 尊贵人生

Author: Rev Ng Eng Keng

Translate: Sis Charis Ong

John 3:16 

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life”

 The theme for ECF in 2022 is “Treasured Being”. The core message of the theme is that Man is created to be ‘noble’. Since Man is created to be ‘noble’, then he should live like one. Yet, we are all sinners, so where is that nobility in us?

This year, drawing from John 3:16, we shall meditate upon this theme, hoping that it can help us all rediscover that nobility that God conferred upon Man when he was created.

We all know that it is impossible for men to be ‘noble’ by their own strength. Therefore, when we talk about the ‘nobility’ of Man, we need begin the discussion with God. God cannot be left out of the equation of anything because He is the origin of life, the Creator of all creation, and He is the ultimate Truth. Because there isn’t a person, a matter, or an object that is in not within the control of God. Therefore, without this trinitarian, omnipotent, and gracious God as life’s yardstick, it is very easy for us to get sidetracked, or even walk on the wrong path.

When we examine the Scriptures, we will understand that God has willed for Man to be the most wonderful and noble among all His creation! Yet because Man sinned and got separated from God, he lost the noble and treasured identity God had given to him. God later used an unusual way, that is through the life of His beloved Son, Jesus, to redeem Man, allowing him to regain this identity again.

Dear brothers and sisters, we shall explore the theme of ‘Treasured Being’ in the monthly thematic message in the new year.










Too Comfortable 太舒服了


ECF Retreat Booklet 2021