His Greatness, Not Thoughts on Pandemic 疫情有感

Author: Sis Sally Lim
Translate: Sis Charis Ong  

From 2020 to 2021, an enemy that cannot be seen, smelled, or touched has posed an immense challenge to everyone, regardless of status and wealth. While hundreds of million were infected, millions have lost their lives. And this pandemic appears to be gaining strength against us still, causing much anxiety among world leaders and their people.

This pandemic has caused us to face up to the fragility of life, the insignificance of human beings, the importance of health, and the impotence of wealth. We could only reflect upon ourselves, truly repent, return to God, and build a closer relationship with Him, understand His heart, do what He wills us to do, and show concern for our family, friends, neighbours, and perhaps even strangers.

Everyone needs God in this time of unrest and chaos. I pray that more pre-believers will ponder deeper on the purpose of life, and experience God’s miraculous leading and changes He can make their lives.

On the cusp of a new year, let us look back on how God has led us through this pandemic. In the eyes of the world, God has lost His control, yet for us who believe in Him, He still has the last say. Because of His compassion and grace for us, He still protects and watches over our lives.

Oh God! I want to raise my voice to praise You and thank You for watching over an unworthy sinner like me. For the many times I thought   I could do it all by my own strength, thank You for giving me the chance and time to reflect. Thank You for bringing me to ECF and making me part of Your family; thank You for placing me in a Cell Group. This is where I can learn Your word with fabulous teachers, and my brothers and sister in Christ; where we can give one another encouragement and support, so that we may live a Christ-like life and do as You will.







Our Testimony | 我们的见证


His Greatness, Not Mine神的大事