The Most Precious Gift 最珍贵的礼物

Author: Sis Jean Ong

Translator: Sis Charis Ong

One day, I was chatting with an 84-year-old member of Blk 8 NRCS while traveling on the bus. As we passed by the Bidadari New Town, I commented that looking at the construction progress, the new shopping mall should be in operation by the end of this year. Yet she replied, “I wonder if I would live to see it”. Her reply caught me by surprise because she is in strong health and leads an active lifestyle.


Her response led me to ponder about life again. Indeed, everyone’s lifespan is different. Especially in the past few years, among the people I know, some left at the age of 40, and others get to celebrate their 90th birthday.


We get to experience many things in life, including the joys of new births and pains of goodbyes; there is happiness and joy, as well as pain and grief. We might question: what on earth am I here for, what am I living for? Is there anything that can make me happy? Is it a colourful social life? Sounds of joyful laughter? Success, power, or status? Or is it longevity? Is there anything that is of value and everlasting?


The fact is, nothing is permanent in this life, like Solomon put it in Ecclesiastes 2:11: “Then I considered all that my hands had done and the toil I had expended in doing it, and behold, all was vanity and a striving after wind, and there was nothing to be gained under the sun.”


However, we Christians are a blessed lot. Not only did God rescue us from sin, but He also gave us the most precious gift of eternal life. Apart from giving us the gift of salvation, He also commanded us to share this good news to others, so that they may also receive this most precious gift from God. We don’t know how long our lives will be, but we know we ought to seize every opportunity to share this good news with the people we meet. Let us not dwell on our failures but fix our eyes on chances. Therefore, let us get to work to share this most precious and valuable gift we’ve received with others!

作者: 黄师母

有一天,我和恩邻中心一位84岁的年长会员在公交车上聊天。我们经过了新社区比达达立,我就告诉她,从施工情况来看,新的购物中心应该在今年年底前会开业。她回答让我很震惊,因为她身体健康,生活方式活跃, 但她却说:"不知道我是否还能活那么久"。




在我们的生命里,可以有很多不同的生活经历,包括经历新生的喜悦、离别的痛苦;生活中有幸福和喜乐、也有痛苦和悲伤。我们或许也会问自己,我为何活在世上、我的人生目标是什么?有什么可以使我快乐?是多姿多彩的社交活动吗?是欢笑声吗?是成功、权力与地位吗?是长寿吗? 什么是有价值的和长久的?






The Plan for The Year Is Birthed in Spring 一年之计在于春


Having Jesus in My Life 有耶稣在我生命中