The Blessed Life 蒙福人生

Author: Rev Eng Keng
Translate: Sis Charis Ong

You will be blessed if you obey the commands of the LORD your God that I am giving you today.
— Deuteronomy 11:27

When we mention “blessings”, hardly will anyone reject it. If there was any surefire way to get “blessings”, I believe everyone will strive to get it! The desire to receive “blessings” is perfectly human and acceptable!

ECF’s theme for year 2021 is “The Blessed Life”, based on Deuteronomy 11:27. Let us receive from God the heavenly blessings He has prepared for us in this coming new year!

(1) The Source of Blessings:

Firstly, we must know who is the one showering us with blessings. The Bible clearly informs us that “Yahweh” is the source of blessings. And He is the “Creator of Heaven and Earth” (Deu. 10:14); He is the “God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty and the awesome God” (Deu. 10:17).

Today, we can come before God to receive His blessings, yet it is not because we have done something good. It is wholly due to His love and grace that we can freely receive the blessing from Him.

(2) The Way to Blessings:

“Obeying His commandments” is the way to blessings! To be blessed by God, not only do we have to “hear” God; more importantly, we have to “follow”. Just having head knowledge is not enough. We must apply what we have learnt in our family life, our workplace, when we are serving and when we relate to others in our daily lives.

Dear brothers and sisters, in this coming new year, we want to lead all of us back to the foundation of our faith, beginning with “Obeying His commandments”. Let us, through our daily devotions and reading of His Word, get to know God and His heart, so that we may follow Him in His way. This is the start of receiving God’s blessings!


— 申命记11:27



㈠  赐福的源头:



㈡  蒙福的途径:




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