Renewal Of The Spirit Of Mind 心灵更换一新

Author: Rev Eng Keng
Translate: Sis Charis Ong

to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life… and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God…
— Ephesians 4:22-24

Today is the last Sunday of year 2020. Though it has been a year filled with challenges, it is also one in which we have learnt and grown a lot. We must remain thankful because our God still has control over it all!

As 2020 comes to an end, I would like to encourage everyone through Ephesians 4:22 – 24:

1) Putting off the old man and putting on the new man - receiving the "new spirit" from God.

This is a vital process for Christians. The original words, "put off" and "put on", are aorist infinitive, meaning the action has already taken place, and this was when we repented and received Jesus as our Saviour.

Yet, it was not by our own capability that we can “put off” the “old man” and “put on” the new man. It was solely due to the redemption grace through the death and resurrection of Christ. Dear brothers and sisters, it was because of God’s love and grace that we can change from an “old man” that is corrupt and divided from God, to a “new man” who bears the image of God and is a child of God.

2) From a “heart of stone” to “heart of flesh” – renewal of the heart and soul

“… to be renewed in the spirits of your minds” in the original language is in the present infinitive verb form. In other words, when we repent and believe in Christ, apart from putting off the old and putting on the new, we must daily, or even at all times, experience the renewing work of God in our lives! We must first experience the renewal of our minds, without which, there can be no changes in other parts of our lives. This constant training in our lives will change what was a “heart of stone” into a “heart of flesh”.

The emphasis of ECF’s theme this year, “A New Spirit, A New Heart”, is the cultivation and progress of our spiritual life. As Christ’s disciples, we must strive and intentionally pursue spiritual maturity and fullness of life. We shall in 2021, through spiritual disciplines of devotions, Bible reading, and prayers, lead our brothers and sisters in laying a firm foundation of faith so we may all become mighty warriors of God!


— 以弗所书4:22-24



⑴  除去旧人、穿上新人—得着神赐予的“新灵”

这是基督徒一个非常重要的过程。原文“除去”与“穿上”是过去式不定词(aorist infinitive),表明这个举动已经发生,就是在我们悔改信主的那一刻就已经完成了。


⑵  心灵更换一新 — 从“石心”转变成“肉心”

“心灵更换一新”在原文是现代式的不定词(present infinitive)。意思就是在悔改信主时,除了“除旧披新”的行动之外,我们还要“天天”,甚至“每时每刻”经历神在我们生命的更新!我们必须首先经历内在思维的更新,因为若不是内在思维的改变,外在的生活行为是不可能改变的。这种不间断的生命操练,能够使得我们原本的“石心”转变成“肉心”。



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