Love When It Bleeds — 流着血的爱

Author: Ps Andrew Xu

Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth
— 1 John 3:18
Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart,
and a humble mind. Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling,
but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing.
— 1 Peter 3:8-9

It is easy to talk about love when it does not warrant sacrifice. True love is revealed not when things are going rosy but when it demands a price to pay. Often, we talk about love as a reciprocal exchange, I’ll give you as much as you can give me. But that’s just a transaction. There is nothing to boast if you simply is able to give love when given.

As a pastor for the past 6 years, I’ve seen so many relationships broken because of a misunderstanding of what love really is about. The transactional understanding of love is fine when the parties are willing to strike a balance of giving and receiving. Once this equilibrium breaks down, love breaks down together. The once “loving” relationship turns into one that is self-serving and poisonous.

To love is a choice. Choosing to sacrifice despite circumstances, and despite the response of the person we choose to love. Choosing to love even when it bleeds. There is no perfect relationship in this world. No parental, sibling, friend, colleague, spousal relationship is perfect. All relationships are broken because of the sin inside of us. Even our relationship with God is broken. Denial is futile and dangerous. Acknowledging that our relationships broken and fallen is the first step towards real love. Choosing to live within brokenness and sacrifice to love is the next step toward reconciliation.

Choosing to love even when we are bleeding is not about admitting mistake but about humility and obedience to let God work through our weaknesses. Not choosing to love is pride and rejection of God’s will and thus a working of our sinful nature.

Are you hurting right now in a relationship? Hurt and bleeding because of a less than perfect relationship with someone or with a community? Choose to love and to bless despite the circumstances and response of the people who are hurting you. Let God make you a channel of His love and see how God will bless you and use a surrendered person who is hurt and bleeding to bless. This is what we have been called as a disciple of Christ.


— 约一 3:18
— 彼前 3:8-9







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