Starting A New Phase of Life


Author: Bro Jed Lim

As I graduate from university and start working life, I give thanks to God for His providence, His protection, and His unmerited favor throughout my schooling years. I also hope to be used by God as His “salt and light” to fulfill His purposes wherever I am placed next. A few verses stood out to me as I sought God’s guidance about the path ahead. I hope that these verses can also edify those who are seeking to navigate their work environment as a believer in Christ.

To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.”
— Romans 12:20

It is a difficult task to do good to those that scheme against you. However, it is a necessary one for Christians, who are not of the world. Even when we were sinners, Christ died for us. Following Jesus’ example, we should strive to love our enemies through the strength of the Holy Spirit. Of course, this is way easier said than done. I can only pray that God will give us the wisdom to truly love our enemies, without being naïve or gullible about the sinful nature of the world around us.

I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
— Philippians 4:12-13

Even in the most difficult of times, we can rely on God for strength. Our ultimate source of joy and satisfaction should come from Him alone. This does not mean that we cannot find joy in everyday blessings like family and friends, or achievement at work. However, God should be our ultimate source of joy. Fixing our eyes on Him frees us by removing the bondages that we have to the various idols in our lives. We are liberated when we seek to please our maker and not that which was made.

… But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord
— Joshua 24:15

In this verse, Joshua declared his choice to serve the Lord with the firm decisiveness of a leader. In the face of unfaithfulness in the Israelite community, he chose to stand his ground and committed his household wholeheartedly to the Lord. Likewise, as we work among people who may share very different values from us, may we hold true to our Christ-centered convictions in how we conduct and lead our lives. May the fear of the Lord triumph over the desires of the flesh, or the desire to follow the feet that rush into sin.

Loving your enemies, finding the ultimate joy in Christ, and standing firm in our faith will be challenging, especially with the stressors of work and life. But “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. With this, I commit the road ahead into His hands.


— 罗马书12:20

要对一些陷害自己的人保持善意是一件难事。但是,对于不属于这世界的基督徒而言,这是必须做到的。因为当我们仍是罪人的时候,耶稣就为我们被钉死在十字架上。我们应当效法耶稣,借着圣灵所给予我们的力量来爱我们的仇敌。当然,这说的比做的容易。我只能祈求神赋予我们智慧,在不轻信有着罪恶本质的世界,或对它存有天真的想法的状态下, 真正地爱我们的仇敌。

— 腓立比书 4:12-13

即使在最困难的时候,我们都可以依靠神所赐于的力量。我们喜乐及满足的最终来源应当是神。 这不代表我们不能在家人及朋友圈里,或是工作上得到快乐,但是神,应当是我们喜乐的终极泉源。当我们注视着神,就能摆脱那些在我们生命里,捆绑着我们的偶像。当我们寻求取悦我们的创造主,而不是那些被造物时,我们便能获得真自由。

— 约书亚记 24:15




Love When It Bleeds — 流着血的爱


A Chance to Serve 事奉的机会