Pray for Your Leaders 为领袖祷告


 Author: Ps Andrew Xu

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.
— 1 Timothy 2:1-2

Dear brothers and sisters of ECF Holy Word, shalom! You must have heard many times before about praying for your leaders. But often, we forget to pray for them. I share sometime before that it is more memorable to pray for the weak and the sick among us, but seldom do we remember our leaders. Why? Perhaps we assume that as leaders they are stronger. We think of them when we need help and we forgot that they too have needs. Maybe we do not agree with their leadership style or direction and feel that it is hard to pray for them. Most of the time, we cannot choose our leaders, but we can choose to pray for them.

In my years of serving full-time in ministry, I often would receive messages of encouragement telling me that they are praying for me. Whenever I receive such a message, my heart would be filled with joy and gratitude. When the going gets tough and I feel like giving up, there seems always to be an invisible force that is carrying me forward. This force is the hand of God and the prayers of many brothers and sisters who are praying for me. If not for the prayers of the church, I would have given up long ago. To those who have prayed for me, I want to convey my most sincere thank you to all of you!

Last week, the family of ECF just went through our deacons council and general council’s re-election and we chose 9 leaders to lead our church forward in the coming 2 years. These leaders are God-loving brothers and sisters-in-Christ. We as part of this church have the prerogative to pray for them and the responsibility to give them our support. They willingly obeyed God’s call for leadership, and this is both their willing sacrifice and God’s grace to them. They will have to lead the church with godly wisdom, and we must pray along with them in this journey.

Dear brothers and sisters, always remember to pray for your pastors and leaders. Keep your cell leaders, disciple-maker, pastors, ministry leaders, deacons, and general council members in prayers as they serve the Lord.


— 提摩太前书 2:1-2






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