Build Up 建立彼此

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
— Ephesians 4:29

Author: Pastor Ben So

Ephesians 4:29 reminded us to build up one another. Let us learn to be gracious during these challenging times. Circuit Breaker extended to 1st June 2020 ins...

On 3rd April 2020, the Ministry of Health (MOH) rolled out elevated safe distancing measures to minimize local transmission of COVID-19. These measures are in place from 7 April till 4 May 2020 and recently the circuit breaker was extended to 1st June. All places of worship are closed to the public and religious services suspended. As our government tightens the circuit breaker measures, we the church will also need to adjust the way we congregate.

We are thankful for technology such as live streaming, video conferencing, and WhatsApp. These are currently the platforms used for worship services and discussions, as well as channels for sharing edifying messages. Although we cannot meet face to face, we are still able to connect with one another via such forms of communication.

In this season, let us practice forbearance as many suffer financially or emotionally, if not both. Things are not the same as before yet it is during challenging times that our faith is tested. Let our speech be gentle, allowing our family and friends to receive the love of Christ through our words. Think before you speak and be gracious during this difficult period. Also, be careful to ensure that things we share electronically can build one another up.

An article I read recently mentioned that technology can be a double-edged sword. This is especially true for a multi-generational church because not everyone will be as adept at these digital means. We must continue to pray for members without internet access and find creative ways to reach out to them without having to leave our home.

Here are seven English Christian YouTube Channels that might be helpful for you during this circuit breaker period:

Pray that these YouTube sermons can help renew our minds. Blessings.

— 以弗所书 4:29

翻译 : 王珮瑾师母







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