The Righteous Live by Faith 因信得生

My righteous one shall live by faith, and if he shrinks back, my soul has no pleasure in him. – Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the people of old received their commendation.
— Hebrews 10:38, 11:1-2

Author: Pastor Andrew Xu

The righteous shall live by faith. This scripture is a big wake up call to me. What is faith? The author of Hebrews continues to explain in chapter 11, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the people of old received their commendation.” Let us learn from these verses:

1.   This faith is the conviction of things not seen

Our modus operandi is by what we see. The things that we can’t see are deemed to be empty and vain. Only when we can see and touch it that our hearts are assured. Singaporeans are masters when it comes to this principle. We always ask for evidence and be pragmatic when we make any kinds of decisions. Therefore, we chase after things that we can see and touch to make us feel secure in life. Our faith is built upon these material possessions (money, status, property, and other material possessions) and not on God. God takes no pleasure in such people. In 2 Corinthians 5:7, Paul exhorts the church of Corinth to “live by faith and not by sight”.

Some people live by sight because they don’t have a close relationship with God, and they cannot see the spiritual realities. Some outrightly rejected seeing spiritual realities because of their hardened hearts. God is the one who created reality, He is above reality, He is the reality of realities. Choosing to put our faith in God is the most secured and real decision you can make. How do we have this kind of faith? Firstly, understand God’s word in the bible (His will, commands and promises). The next step is to chose to trust in God’s word and not the things that we can see and touch. Lastly, obey God and act in obedience.

2.   This faith is the assurance of things hoped for

We often have many hopes and wishes. We hope for a happy family, obedient kids, more wealth, new house, new car, work promotion, health, etc. Some of these came true for us. But the author of Hebrews wasn’t talking about such earthly hopes in this passage, but an eternal hope that is coming. The whole of Hebrews is about turning our eyes from the realities of today to the spiritual realities of the eternal. This spiritual reality is where the true worth is and what we have today is but an imperfect “copy” of what is to come.

When we can’t get what we hope for in life, we must know that what is to come is more and better than what we can ever imagine. When we get what we had hoped for in life, we must know that this is but an imperfect “copy” of what is to come. Let us hope for the perfection of what is to come in eternity so that we will be motivated to run after what we hope for in eternity. This hope in the spiritual eternity is from our faith in God.

Dear brothers and sisters, the righteous live by faith. With faith in God, God is not pleased with us, for without faith, it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6)

我的义人必因信得生,如果他后退,我的心就不喜悦他。… 信就是对所盼望的事的把握,是还没有看见的事的明证。因着这信心,古人得到了称许。
— 希伯来书 10:38;11:1-2




1.  这信心是那看不见之事的明证




2.  这信心是那所盼望之事的把握



亲爱的弟兄姐妹,义人必因信得生。对神没有信心,神就不喜悦我们。唯有对神有信心才能取悦我们的神。(希伯来书 11:6)


Build Up 建立彼此


Blessed are the Meek 温柔的人有福了