Reflection on The Passion 耶稣受难的反省

But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.
— Isaiah 53:5

Author: Rev Ng Eng Keng

This coming Friday is Good Friday, it is a day where we come together to remember the passion of Jesus. Two thousand years ago, Jesus stepped onto the road towards Golgotha, the road that leads to His crucifixion. His death ended his 33 years of life on earth, but also marks His return to God the Father, His return into eternity. I want to use the following two points for your encouragement and reflection:

1.   Crushed “for our” iniquities

“For our” is the reason why Jesus was pierced and crushed. He was pierced “for our transgressions” and crushed “for our iniquities”. Jesus was nailed on the cross because of our transgressions and iniquities. If not for His sacrifice, we would still be living in sin today.

Reflect: Good Friday is the day we remember what Christ Jesus had done for our sins by dying on the cross. We encourage everyone to start reading on the Gospel of John from tomorrow, especially from chapter 17. Let us spend the next few days to reflect and respond to the sacrificial love of our Lord Jesus.

2.   “That” brought us peace… and healing

“That” is the effects that was achieved through the sacrifice of Jesus. That is to bring us (1) peace and (2) healing. How magnificent is God’s grace for us! In this time of constant change and helplessness, the world has never been in greater need for God’s peace and healing.

Reflect: Jesus’ death is to bring the everlasting peace and healing of God to the world. May the Lord help us to bring this peace and healing we have received to the world. So that the world will also be able to receive this everlasting love that God has so prepared for them.

然而他是为了我们的过犯被刺透, 为了我们的罪孽被压伤; 使我们得平安的惩罚加在他身上, 因他受了鞭伤,我们才得医治.
— 赛53:5










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