The Spiritual Olympics 灵里的奥林匹克竞赛

Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.
— Romans 12:10

Author: Deacon Daniel Xu

The Olympics this year have been postponed to 2021. It's the first time the Olympics have been so severely disrupted since World War 2. As the saying goes "the show must go on”, I want to share with you about a little bit of competition we can put in place of the games.

Many of us are working from home and going out less and even our church life is impacted amid our government's strict measures. Just like the Olympic athletes who are not able to train as much or compete, I've gotten feedback that our members are feeling tired, lethargic and disconnected. So let us stretch a little here with the word of God.

In Roman 12:10, the Bible urges us to love one another. More than that, it asks of us to outdo one another in showing honor. The word outdo means to compete. There are measurements and comparisons here. You are to do better than someone else. But what are we competing in? In being more honorable than another? No! We are competing to show honor.

How do we show honor? We show honor by putting the needs of others first. By taking care of the people around us. Basically, we show honor by loving one another.

This is a competition that I have no confidence in coming in first, but this does not have to be an individual event. As we try and outdo one another, we're all in this together to outdo others. In these uncertain times, I pray we continue to set our eyes on Jesus and the people He loves. Let us put down our own needs and discomfort, buck up and dig in to take this competition seriously.

So, let's stretch and warm-up well, posture ourselves and get ready! May we all get a good placing in this competition.

— 罗马书 12:10




罗马书12:10,圣经勉励我们要以爱彼此相亲、以恭敬的心互相礼让。这 “以恭敬的心互相礼让” 感觉上就好像在比赛彼此礼让一般。看谁让步更厉害一样!这里的礼让似乎是量的到比得出胜负的一种礼让。在这竞赛中,我们比的不是谁更配得更多的尊重、而是谁能给彼此更多的尊重!



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