Kingdom Perspective国度观


Author: Ps Andrew Xu

For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.
— 1 Corinthians 12:13

My pre-believer friends would often as me one question: “Why are there so many kinds of Christianity? Of course, what they were referring to are the Christian denominations. Some of them would even go further to ask if we “worship the same Jesus”. We might find their misunderstanding amusing, yet these innocent questions are their heartfelt views and reflect their observation and opinion of what the Christian faith is to them. Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, Pentecostals, Evangelicals, Roman Catholics, Brethren, Anglicans, Independents. There are so many more denominations that I cannot even name. But to our pre-believing friends, they are all Christians, no matter what denomination they may come from. They do not know the difference.

There was this time, one of my friends who is a pre-believer was invited to attend a Christmas evangelistic event by his friend. He was again invited to another Christmas evangelistic event by a colleague at work. Both events happened on the same night coincidentally. He was shocked when his friend told him that his church’s activity is better and asked him not to go for his colleague’s event. He was perplexed by this situation, and he asked me why are there competition and comparison between churches? I did not know how to answer him and was feeling bad that he had to endure such an experience.

No matter what denomination we belong to, we are all one family in Christ. We all received the same salvation from Jesus and received the same Holy Spirit’s baptism. We should not just view brothers and sisters in our own church as family but those in other churches too. Extend help when help is needed, extend blessings when you are blessed. We are on the same mission, not competing but co-workers with each other. This is the kingdom perspective. No matter what church we belong to, we belong to the same kingdom of God.

We should start to network more with brothers and sisters in other churches. Understand each other better and create opportunities for collaboration in God’s ministries. When brothers and sisters from various churches come together to collaborate in God’s work, the world will then see us as a united body. How beautiful a testimony it will be.


— 哥林多前书 12:13




我们应该更多与其他教会的弟兄姐妹来往,了解他们的情况并创造  一些机会能够在神国度的事工上彼此配搭。当不同教会的弟兄姐妹一起为神的国度尽力的时候,世界也能够看到我们的合一,我们也因此能够为主作美好的见证。


Knowing Abba’s Heart 明了阿爸父的心


Don’t Settle For Less 不要安于现状