Don’t Settle For Less 不要安于现状


Author: Bro Ho Kang Hao

I am heartened to share the following article and hope to encourage everyone to find your Passion & Purpose through Christ.

Are you excited about your life? Or do you feel as if you’re merely existing, drifting along from day to day without any sense of purpose or direction?

Through the years, I’ve met countless people who’re living what I call a “settled-for-life.” Somewhere along their journey, they became complacent and content in their circumstances. They settled for what they believed was adequate or satisfactory instead of exerting the effort and work necessary to living a life that’s truly excellent and outstanding.

The truth is, it’s easy to find ourselves settled and complacent in life. And there are many reasons we can feel stuck, discouraged, or adrift; lose our enthusiasm for life; and forfeit our hope, sense of purpose, and peace.

In my opinion, the foremost reasons are because many people have lost sight of who God made them to be and what He designed them to do. As a result, countless people are not actively, intentionally, and purposefully pursuing what the Father has planned for them.

If you truly want to pursue your purpose and reach your full potential in life, then you must face up to these two truths:

Truth #1: God has placed more within you than you realize.

Truth #2: You likely have settled for the life you’re living now.

You must remember that your heavenly Father sees you through the eyes of love and forgiveness (Eph. 2:4-5). He sees where you are, but He also sees the person He made you to be. God sees all the awesome potential and possibilities He’s created you to fulfill.  If you’re willing to discover and align yourself with His plan and purpose for you, He’ll bless you more than you could ever imagine and open doors of opportunity you never dreamed possible. He’ll restore the joy, peace, and hope you’ve lost and show you the path to the accomplishment He wants in your life. And He promises to bless you with life at its very best.

God has placed you in this time and your current location to allow you to maximize your role in establishing His will “on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10). If you’ve ever wondered why you’re on this earth, understand that God has placed you here as a unique person with a unique mission aimed at establishing and extending His kingdom—and your potential lies securely and completely in that purpose.

The question is, do you truly believe it? And more importantly ...

are you ready to get started?

(Source: Touch Ministry, Dr Charles Stanley)






事实上,我们在生活中是很容易感到自满的。而让我们感到困顿,灰心,         像是漫无目的地漂泊、对生活失去热诚;失去希望、使命感和平安的理由也很多。



第一: 神所赋予你的多过你所想象。

第二: 你很可能已经安于现状了。


上帝之所以安排你现在的所处之地是为了让你扮演好自己的‘角色’,让祂的‘旨意成就在地上,如同在天上一样’(马太福音6: 10)。如果你曾纳闷自己为何来到这个世界上,那你要明白:是上帝让独一无二的你,身负独特的任务,来建立及扩展祂的国度 — 而你完完全全有潜能达成那个目的。



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