It is More Blessed to Give than to Receive 施比受更为有福


Shared by Rev Ng Eng Keng

Translate: Sis Charis Ong

“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive,’ ”  

Acts 20:35

In this present time and society, the human heart is increasingly self-centred, and self-interest is at the centre of any undertaking. There are some who would betray friends to profit themselves or they might even go as far as betraying themselves and their own dignity. Such is the sorry state of the human condition.

Jesus taught us that “it is more blessed to give than to receive”. This is not only his teaching and expectations of us but also a testimony of his life. It is exactly how Jesus lived his life on earth – giving and selfless, even to the point of sacrificing his own life! In slightly more than three years of ministry life, Jesus has helped countless who were in need. Whether they were weak in the body, from needy families or even feeling despair and emptiness, Jesus could satisfy their every need, and enable them to live a new life.

Our church organises an annual ‘Community Sunday’ to encourage our brothers and sisters to place greater emphasis on becoming a testimony among the people, reaffirming the church’s vision of becoming disciples who ‘live among the people’. This is especially evident in our community work, so that we become witnesses for Jesus, allowing our friends in the community to see God!

In the past years, the primary recipients of the church’s community work have been the seniors. But with the revision of electoral divisions, our area for community work has expanded to the whole of Potong Pasir, including the new Bidadari estate which mainly consists of younger families. Therefore apart from the present community, we are actively working on our ministry strategies to reach out to this new group.

Beloved brothers and sisters, if we are to serve our community better, on top of the current volunteers, we will need more young people to come on board to serve this larger group. We especially need young couples and youth to participate in reaching out to the new community in Bidadari Newtown. Let us come together with one heart so that we may serve our community better!



使徒行传 20:35







A Chance to Serve 事奉的机会

