God’s Calling For Christian Men 上帝对弟兄们的呼召

Author: Bro Jed Lim

Men are called to take up the mantle of spiritual leadership1 in expanding His kingdom here on Earth. Yet, there are more women than men in church, increasing divorce rates, unfaithfulness, gendered violence, and the lasting effects of absent fatherhood. Men are falling short of God’s calling, and there is a need to assume our responsibilities in God’s kingdom.

God calls men to take up spiritual leadership. As the head of the family, men are called to love their wives self-sacrificially (Ephesians 5:25), honouring her (1 Peter 3:7), and protecting his family from physical and spiritual dangers (Nehemiah 4:14; Ephesians 5:28). In the church, godly men are charged with the authority to teach (1 Timothy 2:12) and lead the church (1 Timothy 3:1-7).

How can men put spiritual leadership into practice? Men can initiate prayer, lead others into seeking God humbly, and serve faithfully in the various functions of the church. Spiritual leadership in the family include initiating prayer, pursuing their wives long into marriage, and instructing their children in the Lord. Many of these are thankless tasks may sometimes be underappreciated even by those who benefit from them. The strength and wisdom needed to do all these come from an everlasting source of grace, that is from God, as demonstrated by His love that poured out for us on the cross.

Women are equal in value, co-heirs of the kingdom of God, made in the image of God, and so fearfully and wonderfully made. The bible honours strong and capable women that have demonstrated great faith2, provided generously3, and risked themselves to protect others4. These women may be just as or even more competent than men. Yet, God entrusted the specific responsibilities of self-sacrificial leadership unto men; in leading their families and in building His Church.

When the Master returns, will men be able to stand before Him and give an account of their leadership?


1.             1 Timothy 3:2, Ephesians 5:23-25, Colossians 3:19, 1 Corinthians 1:3, 1 Corinthians 11:3

2.             Examples include Ruth, Mary Magdalene, Hannah, Rahab

3.             Examples include Priscilla, Proverbs 31

4.             Examples include Esther, Deborah, Miriam, Abigail

文: 林铭德弟兄
翻译: 王佩瑾师母


上帝要男人担起属灵领袖的职责。作为一家之主,男人必须舍身地去爱自己的配偶(以弗所书 5:25), 敬重她们(彼得前书 3:7),及保护家庭,以免他们受到身体及属灵上的伤害(尼希米记 4:14,以弗所书 5:28)。在教会里,敬虔的男性被赋予教导(提摩太前书 2:12)及领导教会 (提摩太前书 3:1-7)。





1.  提摩太前书 3:2,以弗所书 5:23-25,歌罗西书 3:19,哥林多前书 1:3, 哥林多前书 11:3

2.  例子包括路得、抹大拉的马利亚、哈拿、喇合

3.  例子包括百基拉、箴言31章

4. 例子包括以斯贴、底波拉、米利暗、亚比该


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