Duty Of A Disciple – Race To Finishing Line 门徒的职分--直奔标杆

Author: Bro Chan Hiang Chye

Translate: Sis Charis Ong

I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me trustworthy, appointing me to his service.
— 1 Timothy 1:12

Peace to my brothers and sisters in Christ!

In 2001, a brother from China, Lu Kun, came to our church. I was serving in the Youth Ministry at that time. On the day he came, by coincidence, I did not have to lead the youth group so I took the chance to bring Lu Kun to the bible study class of the Sunday School. I was not highly educated and could only guide Lu Kun, relying on my limited knowledge. I had to come to terms with my own limits; when there were questions that I had no answers to, I simply admitted that I didn’t know. As such, Brother Lu Kun admired my honest attitude towards serving, that I was neither superficial nor hard-headed.

For work reasons, Brother Lu Kun stayed at my place for short periods of time. It was during those times that we built a deeper relationship. We kept up our communication even after he returned to China. For the past 20 years, we continued with our bible study and prayers over QQ video calls, encouraging each other. Gradually, I also encouraged him to lead small groups and take part in serving the Lord in China.

Thanks are to God, he started to lead small groups in China, and led two members to Christ, doing bible studies with them. One of his group’s members even became full-time ministers together with his wife in 2021. What a touching scenario this is! Through my years of serving, I see that what we must do is put our hearts to the tasks that God entrusts us, fulfilling our duty before God. Like it is written in 2 Timothy 2:2, to “entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also”, so that they too become disciples. May we not become discouraged, and when we are entrusted with the responsibilities of leading bible study groups, small groups, or disciple-training, we shall do it wholeheartedly, relying on God who shall bless our work with harvest.

Finally, I would like to encourage our brothers and sisters with 1 Timothy 1:12, “And I thank Christ Jesus for our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry”.



— 提摩太前书1:12


因为卢琨弟兄工作的关系,他有一段的时间经常在我的家短暂住宿。我也在那段时间与他建立了更深的关系。他回国后,我也继续与他保持联系。这二十年来,我们通过 QQ视频继续查经、代祷并彼此勉励。慢慢的我也鼓励他要在国内带小组并参加教会的事奉。

很感恩,他在国内也开始带领小组,并领了两位他的员工信主,与他们一起查经。他带领的其中一位员工,在去年2021年,更是带着妻儿走上全时间服事的道路。这是多么感恩的一个画面。这些年的服事让我看到,只要我们尽心尽力把天父所托付给我们的工作,在神面前做好自己的本分。也就是圣经提摩太后书2:2 所说的,我们要“交托那忠心能教导别人的人”,使他们也成为主耶稣的门徒。但愿我们不要气馁,当我们被托付去带领查经班、小组或训练门徒的时候,我们就尽心尽力地靠着主去做,神必把工作的果效赐给我们。

最后,让我以提摩太前书 1:12 与弟兄姐妹共勉 :



A Will To Serve事奉的心志


Overcoming Man’s Weakness by God’s Strength 靠神的力量胜过人的软弱