A Will To Serve事奉的心志

Author: Sis Ho Lai Fong

Translate: Sis Charis Ong

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ
— Colossians 3:23-24

God is self-existent and eternal, and all things belong to Him. God is not in need of people to serve Him, so naturally He does not force us to serve Him. But because He loves me, He called me, this unworthy sinner, to be part of His children ministry. Such grace God has shown me!


I have served in the children ministry for several years now, and this year I was assigned to the Kindy Class of children between 4 and 6 years old. Amid them, some are younger than 3 years old, so special arrangements need to be made for cater to the varying needs. Children now tend to prefer English as a medium of instruction in class, but I insisted on conducting the lesson in Chinese. I recall seeing how Elder Zheng Zhu Lan taught God’s Word to the little ones in her kind and gentle tones. I decided there and then that she is my role model, and I shall imitate her gentle motherly ways when serving the children. This is the reason I served in the children ministry till this day. Although the lessons are conducted in Chinese, I promised the children that I will explain in English should they fail to grasp the message. Then I realized, each and everyone of them, whether it was during sharing, activity, or lesson time, could express themselves proficiently in Chinese. On top of that, the seriousness in their attitude towards memorizing verses and making drawings made me even more willing to commit myself to teaching them.


God values my heart more than my qualifications. I am not highly educated, but when my heart is set on serving the Lord, nothing else matters anymore. When my heart is filled with God’s love, I discovered how easy it is to serve the Lord. It is not about what I have done, but what God has done for me, and now my heart is filled with His joy and peace. None of the challenges and difficulties can separate me from God’s love.


I would like to take this chance to encourage our brothers and sisters who had been touched by the Lord to step forward bravely and answer His call! Take this step of faith in response for His love! Let us press on together!


— 歌罗西书3:23-24









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