Doers of The Word成为行道的人


 Author: Rev Ng Eng Keng

Translate: Sis Charis Ong

Christians love listening to teachings, and that is a wholesome and beautiful thing to do because listening is part of growing our spiritual life. When we listen, the teachings of the Bible help us to know more about the God we worship. However, if a person listens only for the sake of accumulating knowledge, and there is neither growth in his spiritual life nor does he learn to fear God, then this person has completely missed the point of listening to teachings.

God’s Word tells us that we should not only be hearers but also doers of the Word. If a Christian only loves to hear but not act according to what was taught, then this person shall one day become a ‘lifeless’ Christian. It is like a clogged pipe where the clean water shall become contaminated and eventually produce a stench!

It is the same for the life of a Christian. We must be a ‘pipe’ where the water can flow freely. The water that enters the pipe must exit from the other end. A life that flows internalizes and meditates upon the teaching it receives, and eventually reflects the goodness of God.

A doer of the Word is a person blessed by God. James 1:25  says “But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.”

My dear brothers and sisters, let us not just yearn to hear God’s teachings but also be someone who acts according to what he hears so that we shall not only be blessed ourselves but become a blessing to others! Christians love listening to teachings, and that is a wholesome and beautiful thing to do because listening is part of growing our spiritual life. When we listen, the teachings of the Bible help us to know more about the God we worship. However, if a person listens only for the sake of accumulating knowledge, and there is neither growth in his spiritual life nor does he learn to fear God, then this person has completely missed the point of listening to teachings.

God’s Word tells us that we should not only be hearers but also doers of the Word. If a Christian only loves to hear but not act according to what was taught, then this person shall one day become a ‘lifeless’ Christian. It is like a clogged pipe where the clean water shall become contaminated and eventually produce a stench!

It is the same for the life of a Christian. We must be a ‘pipe’ where the water can flow freely. The water that enters the pipe must exit from the other end. A life that flows internalizes and meditates upon the teaching it receives, and eventually reflects the goodness of God.

A doer of the Word is a person blessed by God. James 1:25  says “But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.

My dear brothers and sisters, let us not just yearn to hear God’s teachings but also be someone who acts according to what he hears so that we shall not only be blessed ourselves but become a blessing to others!

“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”
— James 1:22





  一位行道的人,是一位蒙神祝福的人。雅各书1:25这么说:“唯有详细察看那使人自由的全备的律法,并且时常遵守的人,他不是          听了就忘记,而是实行出来,就必因自己所作的蒙福。”


— 雅各书1:22

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