Blessings From The Lord Jesus Christ来自主耶稣基督的祝福


Shared by Sis Cheng Siew Lee 

I was inflicted with a tumor measuring 4cm x 3.2cm x1.5cm thick in 2008 and was classified as stage 3. The carcinogenic cancer in my body may be erratic. How should I     respond to my Lord Jesus Christ and Savior? I prayed. The Lord wanted me to:

1)        Seek quality relationship with God. While reading James 5:11, “The Lord is full of compassion and is merciful”. This is my 14th year of remission. Thank you, Lord. We live to worship and praise God!

2)        Repent as I harboured bitterness and unforgiveness in my heart. I allowed them to defile and contaminate my soul and spirit. I sincerely told the Lord my struggle and the difficulty to forgive. The Lord wanted me to learn from experience and to emerge a better person. As such, I chose to respond to God and be determined to be faithful to Him and am willing to change for the better through his guidance.           I thank the church for the encouraging bible verses, visitations and cards throughout the one year when I was not in church.

Moving forward, how should I reciprocate God’s love when He gives me a 2nd chance in life? My illness and repentance will help me to understand others in distress.

I partner with Jean Shimu to show our concern for cancer friends. The Lord uses me to help them on a one to one basis to grow in their knowledge and love for Jesus. Jean Shimu and Rev Ng support me in prayers. Our aim is to bring glory to God.

God works in His mysterious way to bless. The calling from the Lord was so intense for me to visit Shock Kiat’s father. He was very ill. He did not respond to me and I was            ushered to speak to Shock Kiat’s mum in the living room. Shock Kiat’s aunt from Hong Kong heard me shared the “Assurance of Salvation - John 3:16” and came forward to sit opposite us. Shock Kiat made the first move and asked if she wanted to receive Jesus as her personal Saviour. She said yes and I prayed the salvation prayer with her in Cantonese. God has his way in people’s heart and I partnered with Shock Kiat in this instance.

On another occasion, I met a SIA stewardess at my friend’s block. She seemed           panicky and wanted me to give her a lift to the airport because she could not get a cab. On the way, I asked If I could pray for her to calm her. She allowed. During the conversation,          I learnt that her mum is a Christian but she is not. I hope the prayer is a channel for her to accept Jesus Christ. This is her first job and she cannot be late for the safety briefing. May the seed planted in the air stewardess grow in God’s grace.

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying,” Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6.8 (ESV)

And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the Lord your God. Deuteronomy 28.2 (ESV)




1)     与神建立稳固的关系。雅各书5:11写到“主是满有怜悯和仁慈的。”今年已经是我病情缓解的第14年了。感谢主。我们活着就是为了敬拜和赞美祂!

2)     忏悔,因为我心中存有苦毒和不饶恕。我允许了它们玷污及污染我的灵魂。我诚心向主倾诉我在给予宽容及饶恕时所面对的挣扎和困难。上帝要我从这次的经历里吸取教训,成为一个更好的人。因此,我选择了回应神,决心要忠心于祂,愿意通过神的教导,变得更好。我非常感激教会在我缺席的那一年里,通过探访,卡片及经文来激励我。

那么,神既然给了我生命里的第二次机会,我日后又要如何回馈祂对我的爱呢? 我生病和忏悔的经历必定能让我更好地了解别人的苦楚。





你们若听从你们的上帝耶和华的话,以下的福气必临到你们,追随你们。(申命记 28:2)




Missing Sunday School想念主日学