A New Spirit, A New Heart 新灵肉心

 Author: Rev Ng Eng Keng
Translate: Sis Charis Ong

And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
— Ezekiel 36:26

The theme for our church this year is “A New Spirit, a New Heart”. I wrote in my first pastoral sharing this year, that we need to approach this theme with the innermost nature of our lives, otherwise, it would be a mere slogan!

Our “innermost nature” refers to the innate characteristics of an object or person. It is not visible to the eye, but apparent when expressed through external actions. When I say I am someone full of compassion, then I will definitely exhibit compassionate qualities in my daily interactions with others!

We may be full of Biblical knowledge; understand all theological teachings and be thoroughly familiar with the Jesus’ principles on dealing with people and matters. Yet, these wonderful teachings are but head knowledge unless applied to life!

 “A New Spirit, a New Heart” emphasizes on a life that while being full of zest and energy, also possess the qualities of gentleness and willingness to be taught. Goodness flows from such lives and others see God’s love through them.

Year 2020 is a year fraught with challenges. The onslaught of the pandemic was felt all over the world, and most definitely within our church. Our modus operandi for missionary work, evangelism, worship and even pastoral care had to change in response to the pandemic situation!  

Beloved brothers and sisters, let us stand firm upon our Rock of faith so that we may, in this unpredictable world, not be shaken but in turn, be of help to others!


— 以西结书36:26








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