A New Spirit, A New Heart 新灵肉心 (1)

And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh
— Ezekiel 11:19

Author:Rev Ng Eng Keng

To be a church “disciple-making church among our communities” is our vision. This is not a slogan or catch phrase, but a vision we have received from God. 2020’s theme for our church is A New Spirit, A New Heart. This theme’s emphasis is on the growth of our spiritual life and it includes:

1. A New Spirit

The scripture says that God will give us a heart with “a new spirit”. The emphasis is that this spirit is one that is “alive” and is “active”. This “new spirit” will free us from the bondage of sin and dirt in our life, so that we can change and transform into a new life, a life that can live for God. Ezekiel 36:27 says that this spirit will cause us to “obey” God’s statutes and law.

2. A New Heart

Besides receiving a “new spirit” from God, He also wants to remove the heart of stone from our life, and give us a heart of flesh. “A heart of stone” is one that is hard, stubborn, cold and unfeeling, but “a heart of flesh” is the opposite. It is soft, obedient, warm, active, and is sensitive towards the workings of God.

Because the Israelite’s heart is hard and far from God, even to the point of idolatry, they had to face God’s stern discipline. A Christian must have a heart that is soft so that we can listen to God’s “soft” voice in this complex and noisy world we live in!

This is the theme our church is moving towards this year and it focuses on our being. Only when we receive this abundant life from God, can we live as a disciple that has the strength to be God’s wonderful witness in this generation that we live in!

A life that doesn’t have a “new spirit” with our life is “dead”;

A life that doesn’t have a “heart of flesh”, is a life that “dull” to God.

— 以西结书11:19



㈠ “新灵”


㈡ “肉心”







A New Spirit, A New Heart 新灵肉心 (2)