A New Spirit, A New Heart 新灵肉心 (2)

And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh
— Ezekiel 11:19

Author:Rev Ng Eng Keng

Our church’s theme this year is “A New Spirit, A New Heart”. In the first pastoral sharing of this year, I shared that this year’s theme brings out two aspects:

New Spirit: A spirit that is active and alive.
New Heart: A heart that is sensitive to God’s smallest whispers.

In our spiritual life, the heart and the spirit cannot be separated. When we open our hearts to accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, we also invited the Holy Spirit to come into our lives. From then on, the Holy Spirit kickstarts the process of “transformation” in our lives. At the same time, we are given the necessary power to obey God’s “laws and statutes” (Ezekiel 11:20).

The work of purification and renewal through the Holy Spirit will wake our spirit from spiritual sleepiness so that our spirit is awake and alive. Only then, we will have the ability to do great things for our Lord, especially the work of evangelism. Just like Acts 1:8 says: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses…to the end of the earth.”

Having the Holy Spirit inside us, not only wakes us from spiritual sleep but also changes our “heart”. The Holy Spirit rids us of the heart that was originally stubborn, rebellious and cold, like “stone”. Changes it to one that is sensitive, gentle and soft, like “flesh”!

The Israelites were far from God because their hearts are hardened against God, sinning against God through their idolatry. Prophet Ezekiel heard the calling of God to warn the Israelites against sinning against God and to turn back to God. Dear brothers and sisters, as disciples of our Lord Jesus, we must always go back to God and repent of our sins against Him. We must always search our hearts by His Word to ensure we are still following His will!

— 以西结书11:19









Blessed Are Those Who Mourn 哀恸的人有福了


A New Spirit, A New Heart 新灵肉心 (1)