Updates on Partial Resumption of On-Site Sunday Service
The Singapore government announced that they are allowing churches to resume congregational service under 50 pax from 26th June onward. Under the leadership of Deacon Kang Hao, our COVID-19 task force consisting of members from various ministries resumed service on the 28th of June for over 20 of our elderly members who have no access to our service online, making us one among the first in Singapore to resume our on-site service.
Deacon Kang Hao conducting a debrief with the service personnel on how the processes can be improved.
The task force spared no efforts in making sure our members are safe to return. New protocols to register each member, sanitation work before and after each service, and implementing safe distancing measures were introduced. Some of the most prominent changes are probably observed in our service as all attendees have to sit at least 1 meter apart and no singing was allowed during our praise and worship segment to prevent the transmission of the virus. Even the speakers have to be equipped with face shields when they are preaching.
Everyone, including our duty personnel will need their temperature taken as a precaution before entering the premise.
All attendees will need to sign in via SafeEntry either through QR code or with the help of our welcome team members.
The members who were back were visibly relieved and excited to see each other despite all the various restrictions imposed on physical interaction. Some of them even expressed that they missed the fellowship in church very much. Since then, we have began rotating the other fellowship back in smaller numbers starting from Issac fellowship. For the weekend that just passed, Abraham fellowship returned for the on-site service.
Thankful that many brothers and sisters stepped up to help out during this period.
Physically distanced, but united in prayer. Mask on at all times of course.
We look forward to continue to receive all of us back in church at some point and we’re thankful that we have the allowance to do so in the midst of the pandemic with brothers and sisters serving with willing hearts to make our resumption both a safe and pleasant experience especially for our elders in church. Due to the restrictions, attendance is purely by invite only. If you would like to attend our Sunday service on-site, please contact Rev Ng or Ps Andrew directly and they will advice accordingly.