English Service Weekly Bulletin 17th September 2023


Worship Leader:
Sis Tan Jie Yi
Sis Tan Bei Fen

Band :
Bro Stanley Seow
Bro Chiu Qi Yang

Worship Order:

1. 尽情的敬拜
2. Shout to the Lord
3. The Power of Your love

Sermon By:
Dea Daniel Xu

The Condition of Rest

The Condition of Rest

Bible Verse: Psalms 23:1-4

1. Freedom from fear

2. Freedom from tension in the flock

3. Freedom from aggravation

4. Freedom from hunger


We want to welcome all our guests, brothers and sisters for joining our Sunday service. Our vision is to be a “disciple-making church among our communities” and there are 3 missions “Discipleship, Community, Missions”. We invite you to join us as we progress toward this goal. We hope that ECF Holy Word will be the place to nurture your spiritual growth!

  1. The short-term mission team left for Northern Thailand (September 17 to 23) at 10am this morning to meet up and co-work with Rev Low Seng Huat who is serving there. The team is led by Rev Andrew Xu and the participating brothers and sisters are Sister Ng Siew Kim, Sister Jessie Ling and Sister Tan Jie Yi. Please remember in prayer!

  2. The church will hold an Extraordinary General Meeting(EGM) on coming Sunday, September 24 at 1.30pm in physical form. The main agenda is about the sale of church property and the purchase of new property. This is a major agenda for the church, please reserve time to   attend the EGM on that day!

  3. Kailer Christian Church is the church that was planted in Johor Bahru 25 years ago by Pastor Lydia Wong. They will have their 25th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service and luncheon on October 21st (Saturday). More than 30 brothers and sisters from our church are attending of which 24 of them have registered for transportation arranged by the church at $35 per person (including round trip and stop at the shopping mall). After today’s Service, please pass the fee to Sister Lily. If there are any brothers and sisters who would like bless Kailer Christian Church with monetary gift, please pass the monetary gift to Sister Lily after Service as well. 

  4. Starting next Sunday, our church will stop providing live streaming link widely, and we encourage brothers and sisters to come back to the church to participate in the physical worship services. We will continue to live stream for every Sunday Service but will only give the link to those who need it: those who are sick, those who are unable to leave their homes, and those who are overseas. Brothers and sisters who need the link would have to request through church website or through the pastors

  5. Elderly bible study will be held on Wednesday at 10am. Please join us!

    Prayer Requests

    1. Please continue to pray for the appeal for location swap of religious use. Pray that the whole appeal would go smoothly and that there would be an opportunity to meet with the person in charge of the relevant authorities to explain the situation! And that we learnt lessons of prayer and obedience in faith through this incident.

      Congregation prayer concerns:

      1. Please pray for Pastor Michelle Ko who is serving in Japan. She went back to Taiwan in July for emergency surgery after her peritonitis worsened on May 28th. After a month and a half of hospitalization and treatment, she is preparing to return to Japan on September 25th to serve. Please continue to remember her in prayer!

      2. Let us continue to keep Brother Wong Teh Kok, Brother Tan Keng Khim, Brother Benjamin Quek's father, Quek Hong Keem and Sister Koh Wee Ching in prayer

E-bulletin user experience survey

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
we want to hear how we can
improve our E-Bulletin.

Your feedback matters!


中文崇拜周刊 9月24日 2023


中文崇拜周刊 9月17日 2023