Weekly Bulletin 每周报告 3rd October 2021


We want to welcome all our guests, brothers and sisters for joining our Sunday service. Our vision is to be a “disciple-making church among our communities”. We invite you to join us as we progress toward this goal. We hope that ECF Holy Word will be the place to nurture your spiritual growth!

  1. 上周华语崇拜有80个线上点击,英语崇拜有27个线上点击。有6位参与实体崇拜,包括讲员、牧者与服事人员。

    Last week there were 80 on-line viewing points for Chinese service and 27 on-line viewing points for English service. There were 6 attendees in the physical worship services, including speakers, pastors and ministry volunteers.

  2. 由于最近疫情的增加,教会领袖居于大家的安全,决定继续停止两堂的实体崇拜,单单以线上进行,直到10月底为止。敬请留意!

    Due to the recent increase in COVID19 outbreak, the church leaders have decided to stop the physical worship services for the safety of everyone and to conduct them online only until end of October. Please note!

  3. 教会定于10月10日,下午2点进行新一届总理事与执事理事的改选。由于疫情的关系,这次的选举将采用邮寄的投票方式。相信所有合格的会友都已经收到教会寄出的投票卷。信中将包含一张投票说明、投票卷、代表委任书与回邮信封。所有投票者必需出席当天下午2点在线上举行的会员大会。那些无法出席线上会员大会的会友,必需填写“代表委任书”。所有投票卷与代表委任书请最迟于明天,10月4日寄出,好让信件能在10月8日下午2点之前抵达教会。

    The church is scheduled to conduct the re-election of the new General Council and Deacon Council on 10 Oct at 2pm. Due to the pandemic, this election will be held by postal ballot. It is believed that all eligible members have received the ballot tickets from the church. The letter will contain a voting instruction sheet, ballot ticket, proxy form and return envelope. All voters must be present at the online general meeting at 2pm that day. Those who are unable to attend the online general meeting must fill in a "proxy form". All ballot tickets and proxy forms should be mailed no later than tomorrow, ie  on 4 Oct, so that they can be received by the afternoon of  8 Oct.

  4. 来临星期四晚上8点是教会的联合祷告会,我们将会透过视像连线Zoom,让弟兄姐妹参与当天的祷告会。我们将会在星期三透过牧区将链接给大家。敬请预备心,一起来到神面前祷告!

    This coming Thursday evening, 8pm will be our monthly combined prayer meeting via Zoom online conference. We will provide the details to the different pastoral zones on Wednesday. Please prepare your hearts as we come before God in prayer.

  5. 来临星期三的乐龄查经班,因为近日疫情有增加的现象,将继续暂停直到另行通知为止。敬请留意!

    Due to the recent increase in the number of COVID19 cases, we will continue to suspend the coming Wednesday Senior Bible study until further notice.

  6. 教会定于12月5日为教会的洗礼庆典。若有弟兄姐妹想于当天洗礼或转会,请向牧者询问。

    The church has scheduled 5 Dec as the church's baptism celebration day. If any brothers or sisters would like to be baptized or transfer of church membership, please check with the pastors.

祷告事项 Prayer Requests

  1. 今天是教会的家庭主日,请为着教会弟兄姐妹的家庭祷告。求主保守我们的家庭、特别是亲子之间及夫妻之间关系的和谐。让我们的家庭不会受到恶者的攻击,并能够为主作见证!

    Today is Church Family Day. Please pray for the families of our brothers and sisters in church. Pray for harmony in our families, especially in the relationships between parents and children and between husbands and wives. Let our families not be attacked by the evil one and be able to bear witness for the Lord!

  2. 为着2019新冠肺炎祷告 Pray for COVID19 pandemic:

    ⑴ 按世界卫生组织的报告,至9月28日,全世界已有超过61亿3千万人已经接种疫苗。请为着整个疫苗接种的顺利祷告。

    According to the World Health Organization, as of 28 September, more than 6.13 billion people worldwide have been vaccinated. Please pray for the entire vaccination process to go smoothly.

    ⑵ 近日新加坡的疫情有上升的趋势。按卫生部9月30日的报道,有1360起病例住院,其中有34人住在加护病房。请继续为着新加坡的疫情祷告。

    The pandemic in Singapore has been on the rise recently. As reported by the Ministry of Health on 30 September. There are 1360 cases hospitalized, including 34 people in intensive care units. Please continue to pray for the COVID19 pandemic situation in Singapore.

  3. 着以下肢体代祷 Congregation prayer concerns:

    ⑴ 请继续在祷告中记念何秋芬牧师。她将于明天做超声波检查。最近师母的状况比较差,只能打一轮高维生素C。而且每次打完,针孔的部位都会发炎,求主怜悯。另外请为着她每星期两次去做生物共振的治疗祷告,求主给治疗师有聪明和智慧来解决师母体内诸多的问题。

    Please continue to remember Reverend Ruth Ho in your prayers. She will have her ultrasound tomorrow. Recently, Reverend Ruth’s condition has been poor, and she can only have one round of high vitamin C. Also, after each injection, the area of the needle hole becomes inflamed, please pray for the Lord's mercy. Please also pray for her bi-weekly Bio-resonance therapy and that the Lord would give the therapist the wisdom and intelligence to solve the many health problems that she has.

    ⑵ 请继续在祷告中记念吴为新弟兄、陈敬钦弟兄、林育凤姐妹(凡心)、余旋英姐妹、岑桂玲姐妹!

    Let us continue to keep Brother Goh Wee Shin, Brother Tan Keng Khim, Sister Lim Yoke Hong, Sister Yue Soon Lin and Sister Sam Kwai Leng in prayer.


每周报告 10月10日 2021


每周报告 9月26日 2021