When All Seems Lost 绝处逢生


Author: Bro Lim Siew Meng

Translate: Sis Charis Ong

Romans 8:28: And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good.

2 Corinthians 12:9: But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Looking back at the period between mid-2018 and 2019, though I did not have to make any compensation for the three consecutive traffic accidents I was involved in, I still suffered a scare three times and wasted a lot of time and energy in the settlements.

During the same period, a foreign worker fell at the Jobsite and sustained injuries. This triggered a lot of stress and losses for me – whether monetary, time, physical or mental health. I was in much torment and the entire episode took nearly 2 years 3 months to conclude. There was a night that I dreamt I was sleeping next to Brother Paul Tan. When I awoke, I was clear that Brother Paul Tan had already accomplished his God-given tasks and is now asleep in the arms of the Lord. 

Due to various reasons, my subsequent applications for employment of foreign workers were rejected. There was little choice but to wind up the business in a short span of time. By God’s grace, I was introduced to a brother in Christ who worked in the same line as I did by a sister in Christ, and he was willing to take over my work. The limitation of time coupled with an emphasis on being faithful to our words in the body of Christ, making a profit or loss was not a major consideration, as such, the deal was closed very quickly.

After winding up the business, I proceeded to arrange for the sale of the house where I have stayed for 20 years and shifted to a HDB flat. The transaction took place during the COVID-19 outbreak which resulted in many limitations to the renovation and shifting processes. We went through many difficulties but with the grace of God, we made it through.

 Now, I am living a retirement life I had not prepared for. My attempts at job search, whether for full time or part-time positions, have not been successful. Yet, God made His grace evident once more through the arrival of my grandson. This new addition to the family shook up my daily routine and added much joy to my days. I was at the same time able to participate in service work. This led me to recall Deacon Cai Yun Nan once told me: “There is no retirement in serving the Lord, till the day we return home and rest in His embrace”.




回顾2018 年中至2019年间,连续发生三次的车祸,虽然都不需要赔偿损失,但被惊吓了三次,浪费了很多时间和精神去处理善后的工作。







The Value of Knowledge 知识的价值


How to Respond to This Time and Age 如何回应现今世代