Unity in Diversity 在多元里合一

Author : Bro Goh Hun Keng
Translated by : Sister Charis Ong

We live in a society that is made up of people from diverse backgrounds, and formulating policies that promote unity to drive national development is a primary task of our government. While it seeks to attract young talents from all walks of life to join the team in governing the country, the government also follows of a policy of respect for elders, retaining a group of senior and experienced leaders who will mentor the younger leaders in moving towards the set goals. 

The Church also faces similar challenges that arise from a diverse community. Our church has under one roof members of 3 generations, some with familial ties, from different age groups, with varying education level, family background, and spiritual age. Their Christian walk and life experiences also differ correspondingly to their age. Having such differences within a group, how do  we move as one towards the same finishing line of faith?

We may take a leaf out of Singapore’s book of government model. Among our leaders, let’s build a foundation of mutual trust. Cultivate respect and acceptance of differing views, and an attitude of humility without stubbornness. Philippians 2:3 says, “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves”, demonstrating sincerity and responsibility. The Bible says to young leaders: “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.” We must give our support and encouragement to those who are younger than us and learn from the experience of those who are more senior. Should we be able to gather the knowledge and experience of everyone, we may form a driving force to move the ministry forward. 

A senior female politician once encouraged her supporters of varying backgrounds, saying “diversity brings us strength, unity gives us power”. May this article be an encouragement to us all.

文: 吴汉卿弟兄


教会组织,也必然会面对类似多元人群产生的问题的挑战。教会会友的特色,是具有三代同堂,姨妈姑婆的亲属关系 - 年龄的差异,不同教育程度和家庭背景,属灵年龄高低,信仰经历的深浅,处世经验也与年龄形成正比。在这样多元而又复杂的会友群体,如何使大家能同心合意,向着标杆直跑呢?

我们可以借镜我国政府治理规则模式,参考和应用。在我们领袖团队里面建立互相信任的基础。培养尊重,包容别人不同意见和看法,谦虚不固执的态度。腓立比书 2:3 “只要存心谦卑,各人看别人比自己强”,表现出有诚意和责任感。圣经对年轻的领袖说:“不要叫人小看你年轻总要在言语,行为,爱心,信心,清洁上都作信徒的榜样”。 要给比我们年轻的支持和勉励,向比我们年长,学习和吸取经验。要是能够在这广大人群里,集合各种知识和经验,行成一股推动力,就能使事工往前发展开来。



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