Struggle For Balance 争取平衡

Author : Bro Nick Lim

You shall Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength
— Deuteronomy 6:5

When we have the right priorities, God will enable us to do what needs to be done with joy and satisfaction.

I could still clearly remember the sermon on one of the Sundays many years ago. A Pastor used a picture to illustrate that life is akin to pushing a ball up the hill just for it to come down and having to push it up again. The message comforted me greatly, and also enlightened me that there will always be ups and downs in life. It reminded me that we do not always have the luxury to remain in our comfort zone.


Work has always been a challenge for me and it is getting tougher ever since the beginning of this year. Aside from the usual challenges, issues from factories being shut down due to the Covid-19 locked downs in China, to the conflict in Ukraine that resulted in major fuel price increase, to material shortages leading to severe supply chain challenges exacerbated my already difficult situation. These issues led to a major reorganization of my department in April, which was not to my preference nor advantage. I felt frustrated, unhappy, and drained.


In April, our cell group started a new bible study material called “Balancing Life’s Priorities”. During our 2nd study on How to Live Successfully in Two Worlds (The Struggle for Balance), we gleaned from the story of Mary, Martha and the Good Samaritan. We shared with each other what we have learned from the session, and after listening to sharing from fellow cell members, I felt rejuvenated and a sense of peace from God descended upon me.


Life is a journey; we must keep on walking and pushing on, but we must be mindful of our priorities and purposes. With God’s help, let us learn how we can balance the practical and the spiritual aspects of our daily lives.



— 申命记6:5













Rejoice Always, Pray Without Ceasing, Give Thanks 常常喜乐,不住的祷告,凡是谢恩


Faithfulness And Professionalism In Serving 事奉中的专一与专业