Stay Hungry 维持吃不饱的状态

Author: Ps Andrew Xu

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
— Matthew 5:6

It is a joy to enjoy food. Eating is a necessity to sustain life as it provides us with the energy for life. Eating in culinary heaven like Singapore goes beyond just sustenance but is also an enjoyment of life. We eat when we are hungry, eat when we are not. To put it simply, we eat when we see food that fancies us. We eat more than 3 meals a day, tea breaks and suppers are commonplace! We are satisfied when we are full. We continue to feed when we feel hungry again. What a blessing it is to be able to eat!

Is our spiritual condition the same as our physical? Do we have a hunger for spiritual food or are we suffering from spiritual anorexia? Observing many Christians’ spiritual life, I realized that the key to spiritual growth is spiritual hunger! If you are hungry for spiritual food, you will continue to look for spiritual food to consume. It is a pity that many Christians are too easily full spiritually. This kind of spiritual fullness is the key factor stopping a Christian from continuing to grow spiritually in Christ.

The scripture above is from the beatitudes of Jesus’ sermon on the mount. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” What kind of a state is this “hunger and thirst for righteousness”? How shall we understand this statement? What is this righteousness that is talked about here? The ancient Jewish understanding of righteousness is that of “to acquit, vindicate, restore to a right relationship”. Therefore, someone who hungers and thirsts for righteousness is one who pursues a right and connected relationship with God.

If you are not hungry for spiritual food today, you might want to go back and reflect on your spiritual life and see if the object of your desire is right. Are you desiring knowledge or the God behind the knowledge? Our bible reading, bible study, devotion, and prayer are not simply for accountability’s sake, nor for just adding new knowledge to what we know but to establish a relationship with God. When we are hungry and thirsty to build a relationship with God, we are blessed indeed, because we will be satisfied. This satisfaction is a deep satisfaction of life. It fills the void that is innate in all human beings as we seek the truth. This kind of satisfaction causes spiritual hunger, spurring us to desire God even more. We must maintain this kind of spiritual hunger. Stay hungry!


— 马太福音5:6






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