Meeting God with a Clear Conscience 问心无愧、坦然面对神

Author: Deaconess Tay Sze En
Translator: Deacon Daniel Xu

We are all selfish, but that did not stop Jesus from dying for us on the cross!” Whenever I face unreasonable patients and their families, or uncooperative colleagues, I cannot help but feel frustrated. However, the knowledge that Jesus died for them as well became my consolation and strength in moments like this.

Even if I do not ever amount to anything great or achieve much for the sake of the gospel, the least I can do is to be a God honoring Christian and not impede the work of the gospel. While choosing to do what is right in the eyes of God might seemingly put us at a disadvantage in our workplace, but it can also be a wonderful testament to other Christian colleagues and pre-believers.

I also believe that our God is righteous. He judges every one of our rights and wrongs. He knows and he reigns. He knows of my troubles, my sacrifice, and my transgressions. He knows all too well that I’m am a sinner too.

Dear brothers and sisters let us honor Christ and humble ourselves to be connected to Him. May we learn to love with the love of Christ whether in our families, studies, careers or in our ministries. May we serve with the power from above, that we may be meet God one day with a clear conscience.



常常在想,我做不成什么丰功伟人,或是为神的福音牺牲性命的宣教士,但起码不能拖神福音的后退,         乃要成为一个荣神益人的好基督徒。虽然选择做对的事总是免不了吃亏,但起码可以为灵性软弱的基督徒同事,甚至是非基督徒,作美好的见证。


亲爱的弟兄姐妹们,愿我们继续连于基督,敬畏祂,谦卑自己。在家庭、学业、工作与事奉上以神的爱 爱人,靠主所赐的力量继续服事。只求在见主的那一日,我能问心无愧、坦然面对神!


A Harmonious Family. A Blessed Life 家和万事兴


Only by Grace 唯靠恩典