Love is a Choice 爱,是个选择

Author: Ps Andrew Xu

“We love because God first loved us.”

- 1 John 4:19

Surely Jesus did not mean for us to love everyone… Definitely, right? There are so many in this world who are so detestable, how can anyone love these people? Early this month, I was browsing in a shopping mall. It was about lunch time and I thought of going to the food court to grab my lunch. Just as I was walking towards the food court, someone who is bigger sized than me (can you imagine) knocked onto my left arm, and as I am injured in my left shoulder, I cried out with a loud “ah…” when he knocked into me due to the pain. He turned back to stared at me with a smirk and walked off without even apologising. His reaction is as if it was my fault that he knocked onto me. I was furious and was thinking in my heart: “May retribution befall on you and you slip and fall!”

And as my emotions are calmer, the Holy Spirit convicted me, unknowingly, I have sinned in my heart. Yet, I really do not wish to bless that person, he is too much! Such an unlovable person who hurt me and is unrepentant and still have the cheek to blame it on me?? How can I love such a person? That is so unnatural! Can we choose not to love such an unlovable person?

Just as we choose not to love a person, loving someone is also a choice. There are those who are easier to love and some harder. But lovable or not, is just considerations of our decision to love. In the end, love is ultimately still, a choice. Before we make this decision, we should too consider and understand why we make this decision to love.

The bible reminds us through John the reason why we love the people around us, “we love because God first loved us”. It is this simple. Brothers and sisters, we are not lovable too based on our own merit in the eyes of God. I really don’t think God finds it easy to love us, it would definitely be more difficult than us loving the unlovable around us. Have we not often made God angry and sad by the thing we do? Are we not often unrepentant of our transgressions and blame God for the bad things that happen to us even though we caused it ourselves? If God based His decision of whether to love us on whether we are lovable, then we definitely is in trouble. Though we are not lovable, but God chose to love us. This is grace. Therefore, we loving another is also a decision. We receive the grace of love from God, we give this grace of love to those around us, no matter if they are lovable or not.

Dear brothers and sisters, the only way to respond to God’s love is to love. Love the God who loved us, love the people whom God love. This is the great            commandment.



-约翰一书 4:19






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