A Call for Radical Surrender完全降伏于祂的呼召

Author: Sis Christine Seow

God calls His children to a radical life of joy-filled, countercultural, and complete surrender to Him.

When we follow Jesus, our own pleasures and comfort are no longer the highest goal. Jesus leads us to assume the humble position of a child who finds delight in His presence and truest fulfillment in Him.

Jesus removes idols from our hearts so that we can love Him more than money, status, pleasures, beauty, career, and social position. When we value what Jesus values and love what He loves, the right things matter most. Where He leads us is the best place to go.

Radical Rewards for following Jesus

Jesus offered 3 great promises to encourage those who follow Him:

First, Jesus promised future rewards for all believers.

New Testament passages promise that God’s children will reign with Jesus when He returns and establishes His Kingdom. Revelation describes the future glorious home for all God’s children.

Secondly, Jesus promised that God rewards costly obedience with His       Blessings. Those who sacrifice possessions, relationships, and social standings for the Gospel’s sake will receive hundredfold blessings.

Thirdly, Jesus promised eternal life for all who follow Him. No sacrifice can earn this blessing, it is God’s gift.

God’s children surrender to Him and seek His countercultural kingdom values. Those who love and surrender to Jesus increasingly see their values shift to the treasures of eternity. Human hearts are transformed by His power to love people and give up passing pleasures for the sake of following Jesus.






第一. 耶稣对所有信徒应许了未来的奖赏


第二. 耶稣应许了上帝会用他的祝福奖励信徒们昂贵的顺从。


第三. 耶稣应许了凡是跟随祂的人将获得永生。这是无论多少牺牲都换不到的祝福,因为这是上帝赐给我们的礼物。



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