A Lifetime 一生之久


Author: Rev Ng Eng Keng

Translate: Sis Charis Ong  

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
— Philippians 1:6

The ‘work’ mentioned in this verse refers to the ‘work of grace’ God had started in the lives of the Philippians when they received the Good News preached by Paul. Their subsequent fervent participation in the work of the gospel message was also an external expression of the ‘work of grace’ that had taken root within them.

The believers in Philippi were united in spreading the Good News of God because God has set in motion a ‘transformation’ in their lives. This ‘transformation’ included growth and maturation in their spiritual life, which spurs them on to submit to God more willingly and respond to His call of the noble mission of spreading the Good News.

We all belong to the Lord and have received His saving grace in our lives, and this grace is like a seed that is planted in the fields of our hearts, that will grow and mature day by day. Today, our lives must experience growth and maturation so that we may have healthy lives to be witnesses of God.

Dear brothers and sister, the ‘spiritual rebirth’ of life is an event that takes place in just a moment – from unbelief to belief, from a state of hopelessness to one with living hope. Yet, the nurturing of it is a process of a lifetime. My brothers and sisters, we are not wandering around cluelessly on our own. We are in the company of believers who are traveling with us on the same road. And for sure, and most importantly, we have the presence of God, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, which is present for a lifetime, till Jesus returns.


— 腓立比书1:6






May We Become A Blessing To Many愿成为多人的祝福


Knowing Abba’s Heart 明了阿爸父的心